成立於1945年至今,專營紡織染整零配件進出口,累積數十年豐富經驗且擁有多項獨家代理 品質優良之合作廠商,協助許多紡織廠代辦歐美、義大利及日本歷史悠久口碑良好之零配件,如德國Heusch 剪毛圓底刀、日本KANAI起毛 紡毛針布、義大利CEIA金屬探測器、日本HASHIZUME(橋詰)接紗機、日本KUREHA(吳羽)及德國膠刺皮、防縮機橡膠毯等多項產品。
Founded in 1945, we specialize in the Import and Export of textile knitting, dyeing and finishing spare parts. We accumulate decades of rich experiences and has numbers of brands’ agents for high-quality manufacturers. We help many textile factories to import the parts or accessories from Japan, Europe, America and Italy with a long history / good reputation. Such as German Heusch shearing round cylinder knife, Japanese KANAI raising fillets, Italian CEIA metal detector, Japanese HASHIZUME sectional warp tying machine, Japanese KUREHA and German BOBOTEX Rubber and many other products.
If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us.